Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Giving it one more try....

Best to keep trying than to give up all together.  More determined and motivated than ever.  I keep looking back at the few pictures I took when I lost weight last year, DETERMINED I will at least get back to that size.  Starting slowly, taking it one day at a time..  Just frustrating when I think of where I could be at had I not given up...but that's no body's fault but my own. 

Trying to get back into the daily routine of exercising - slowly, the endurance will come as I progress.  And learning to control portions again - the healthier foods will be added once I get back on track with the portion control.

Setting my mini goals again each week -  First goal - to exercise everyday this week, whether it be for 10 minutes, just get in the habit of doing it!  Eating all meals at home! 

This is the picture I keep referring back to!!